Connecting the Dots...
As I see it, there are two kinds of learning - experience-based and knowledge-based. Experience-based learning is the kind of knocked-down, dragged through the mud, grit in your teeth, stomach turning process that makes you older and wiser, i.e., trial and error. Knowledge-based learning is the internally focused, analytical and observational process that is part laser beam focus and part 30,000 feet aerial view - what are the concepts, theories, patterns, structures, paradigms, etc. at play in this situation? I have the latter in spades by virtue of 6 years of Ph.D. training and can cogitate with the best of them...but the former, execution - getting things done - theory into action, potential into kinetic...aye, there's the rub.
This week was a week of experiential learning...suffice it to say I learned much about labor laws in the State of NC and the validity of contractual agreements. This day-to-day learning laboratory that is my company stands in contrast to my pursuit of the EMBA, a more abstract and contemplative knowledge-based endeavor. I am not quite there yet with connecting the knowledge dots that I gather in school and the real world dots that I see at work. But I suppose just as a practiced astronomer sees constellations, patterns, planets and stars in the sky where a novice sees only points of light, perhaps one day I likewise may be able to connect the dots and see the big picture.
As I see it, there are two kinds of learning - experience-based and knowledge-based. Experience-based learning is the kind of knocked-down, dragged through the mud, grit in your teeth, stomach turning process that makes you older and wiser, i.e., trial and error. Knowledge-based learning is the internally focused, analytical and observational process that is part laser beam focus and part 30,000 feet aerial view - what are the concepts, theories, patterns, structures, paradigms, etc. at play in this situation? I have the latter in spades by virtue of 6 years of Ph.D. training and can cogitate with the best of them...but the former, execution - getting things done - theory into action, potential into kinetic...aye, there's the rub.
This week was a week of experiential learning...suffice it to say I learned much about labor laws in the State of NC and the validity of contractual agreements. This day-to-day learning laboratory that is my company stands in contrast to my pursuit of the EMBA, a more abstract and contemplative knowledge-based endeavor. I am not quite there yet with connecting the knowledge dots that I gather in school and the real world dots that I see at work. But I suppose just as a practiced astronomer sees constellations, patterns, planets and stars in the sky where a novice sees only points of light, perhaps one day I likewise may be able to connect the dots and see the big picture.
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