I'll admit it - I'm a Blogger newbie. I'm writing this blog more for my own interest and entertainment as I work my way through the Weekend Executive MBA program at the Fuqua School of Business (Duke University). I make no claims, warrants, or promises about the accuracy, validity or up-to-date-ness of the information. Further, the view expressed are my own, and in no way reflect the policies or opinions of Duke University, it's faculty, staff, students, yada, yada, yada...
If you find this info useful, great - let me know (gshih1@yahoo.com). If not, no worries - maybe someone somewhere somehow might. So what is this blog about? Well, about a year ago, I got the idea in my head that an MBA might prove useful in improving my management and leadership skills as President of BioResource International, an early-stage biotechnology company that I manage in Raleigh, NC. I applied to the Fuqua Weekend MBA program (affectionately referred to here as "WEMBA") and managed to get myself admitted, to the shock and horror of my UNC-Chapel Hill educated wife and NC State University faculty Dad. After my own shock and horror at the first tuition bill, (which, by the way, my rich friend Sallie Mae and I will be financing for the rest of my professional life), I entered the program in January 2004. I am now in my third residency weekend (we meet Friday and Saturdays every other weekend for 20 consecutive months) and am beginning to ask myself questions like: "what the #@#$% am I doing here?" "When will I get my normal life back?" and "Why do good sane people subject themselves to statistics?" The putative answers to these questions are: "Who knows, Never, and because stats is sexy."
If you find this info useful, great - let me know (gshih1@yahoo.com). If not, no worries - maybe someone somewhere somehow might. So what is this blog about? Well, about a year ago, I got the idea in my head that an MBA might prove useful in improving my management and leadership skills as President of BioResource International, an early-stage biotechnology company that I manage in Raleigh, NC. I applied to the Fuqua Weekend MBA program (affectionately referred to here as "WEMBA") and managed to get myself admitted, to the shock and horror of my UNC-Chapel Hill educated wife and NC State University faculty Dad. After my own shock and horror at the first tuition bill, (which, by the way, my rich friend Sallie Mae and I will be financing for the rest of my professional life), I entered the program in January 2004. I am now in my third residency weekend (we meet Friday and Saturdays every other weekend for 20 consecutive months
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