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Saturday, November 06, 2004

Career Conundrum

One of the benefits of sending a quarter of my paycheck to Fuqua B-school every month is the opportunity to use their Career Management Center (CMC) once in a while. Dr. Peter Romanella, a creative guy with as diverse a CV as you will ever see in a career counselor (appropriate, perhaps), serves as director of Career Services for Executive MBA students at Fuqua. Once we got the paperwork signed certifying that I was "self-supported" (WEMBA students have access to CMC services inversely proportional to the amount of support they get from their sponsoring companies, with self-supported students getting the most and company-sponsored individuals getting the least), Peter went to work, providing me with a three page email of weblinked resources to review. At his suggestion, I recently took the Career Leader Survey that is made available for all Fuqua students and serves to match one's values, interests and abilities with various business-oriented careers ( What I learned surprised and inspired me. Apparently, I have a high match for Advertising Account Management, Marketing Management or Public Relations. I guess I am a closet creative spirit bouncing around in a scientist's kinda makes sense then that I find myself on the non-conventional career path I have taken thus far. I guess the next logical question to ask is "where do I go from here?" Certainly further exploration and information gathering is warranted, perhaps seeking opportunities within and outside of work to try out some marketing and/or PR things...anyone needing some marketing work from an entrepreneurial Ph.D. Microbiologist halfway through his MBA at Duke? Yeah, I'm going to have to work on my personal positioning statement a bit.


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