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Tuesday, August 01, 2006

What I'm listening to right now...
To pass the time on my commute to and from the office these days, I am listening to an audiobook of "Never Eat Alone" by Keith Ferrazzi, networking guru and accomplished business leader, mainly to learn how to be an effective networker and how to use it to advance my company and my career.

Ferazzi talks about the concept of the "blue flame" in the book - that burning hot passion that one has in his life. He claims that part of the secret to success is to figure out what it is you really want to do in your life and then set goals to achieve it. He cites the oft-heard statistic that more than 50% of people work in jobs they are not fully satisfied with, even if they are successful or make money doing it. It got me thinking what is my "blue flame" - what is the one thing I would do regardless of being paid for it? I decided it has something to do with writing .

Hence the blog... my putting thought to paper (or computer screen) is not so much for fame or notoriety, but to follow, as the writer and lecturer Joseph Campbell would say, "my bliss."

I blog, therefore I am.


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